<    Saturday July 26, 2008    
9:00 - 10:00

Invited Session 8, Lecture Hall C2
Chair: László Györfi (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)

Gabor Lugosi (Pompeu Fabra University):
On random forests and other averaging classifiers (Abstract)    (Slides)

10:05 - 11:15

Contributed Session 4a, Lecture Hall C2
Chair: Alan Wan (City University of Hong Kong)

László Györfi (Budapest University of Technology and Economics):
Model selection for fast density estimation (Abstract)    (Slides)

Emmanuel Guerre (Queen Mary University):
Data-driven adaptive rate-optimal nonparametric testing for the absence of serial correlation (Abstract)    (Slides)

Richard Nickl (University of Connecticut):
Adaptive estimation of the distribution function and its density in sup-norm loss (Abstract)    (Slides)

Contributed Session 4b, Room "Old Chapel"
Chair: Patrik Guggenberger (University of California, Los Angeles)

Vasco Gabriel(University of Surrey), Luis Martins(ISCTE):
Testing non-nested specifications of the New Keynesian Phillips Curve (Abstract)    (Slides 1) (Slides 2)

Xu Cheng (Yale University):
Semiparametric cointegrating rank selection (Abstract)    (Slides)

Andreas Futschik (University of Vienna):
More hypotheses versus more power: Designing a multiple hypothesis testing experiment subject to a maximum overall number of possible observations (Abstract)    (Slides)

11:15 - 11:40 Coffee Break, Foyer Lecture Hall C2
11:40 - 12:40

Invited Session 9, Lecture Hall C2
Chair: Lucien Birgé (Université Paris 6)

Yannick Baraud (Universite de Nice Sophia-Antipoli):
Gaussian model selection with unknown variance (Abstract)    (Slides)

12:40 - 14:30 Lunch Break
14:30 - 15:30

Invited Session 10, Lecture Hall C2
Chair: Paul Kabaila (La Trobe University)

Patrik Guggenberger (University of California, Los Angeles):
Pretesting for regressor exogeneity (Abstract)    (Slides)

15:30 - 15:55 Coffee Break, Foyer Lecture Hall C2
15:55 - 16:55

Invited Session 11, Lecture Hall C2
Chair: Ching-Kang Ing (Academia Sinica)

Ed George (The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania):
High Dimensional Predictive Inference (Abstract)    (Slides)


Closing Session, Lecture Hall C2

<    Saturday July 26, 2008    
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